Summer 2023 Release Notes

Discover the new features, improvements, and bug fixes for the latest release.

Check out the What's New videos for an overview of the new features and don't forget to visit the Visier Portal to request and vote on new features.


This section covers the changes to Alpine, the open innovation platform for workforce data.

Analysis view control

Authors can now control how their analysis is viewed by showing all content by default or collapsing all headings by default. The ability to set the analyses and guidebooks view will no longer appear in user preferences.

Dynamic analyses enhancements

We added the ability for dynamic template authors to align the subject time interval to the latest complete period. With subjectTimeInterval, authors can now specify the period type and whether to exclude incomplete periods.

Metric path configuration

It was difficult to know which reference paths the group by attribute is using when comparing metrics. You can now see what reference paths are being used and change them to refine your analysis.

Allow admins to see dependencies for user-created analyses

Admins need to know if their changes in the studio experience will impact existing end user content. Now, the Application Definition includes an optional setting to export user-created analyses in the solution experience. This export provides information about each user-created analysis in your solution, including which metrics, dimensions, concepts, and properties the analysis depends on.

Note: Limited Availability This feature is in limited availability. If you are interested, please contact your Partner Success Manager.

Default metric configuration

Administrators can now set the default metric that a user sees when conducting an analysis in Explore. This allows you to display metrics that make the most sense for your organization.

Enhanced data model navigation in the studio experience

We improved the navigation in the studio experience to go to object dependencies and between analytic objects in the formula editor.

Multi-lingual support in the studio experience

Administrators can now provide information about data objects in multiple locales. This feature is available for all Visier-supported locales. With multi-lingual support, admins can translate display names and descriptions directly in the studio experience for most objects, including analyses, subjects, metrics, and more.

Parent-child level naming

You can now rename a default level name within a parent-child dimension. This allows you to provide context for your users so they understand what level they are selecting in a visual.

Note: Configuration is required for this feature.

Permissionless landing page

Users who have not been granted permissions to access any content will now see a customizable landing page when they log in. The landing page allows for helpful information that can direct users to the appropriate person or process to request access.

Note: To customize the message, contact Visier Technical Support.

Ceridian data connector

You can now bring your Ceridian data directly into Visier through a data connector.

Note: Limited Availability This feature is in limited availability. If you are interested, please contact your Partner Success Manager.

Application Definition improvements

We’ve made the following enhancements to the Application Definition export:

  • You can now see metric formulas in the export.
  • You can now add the following objects to the export: dimensions, dimension maps, range maps, selection concept maps, selection concepts, explanations, and modules.
  • In draft projects, you can now include a column in the export to indicate modification or creation changes made with the new “Indicate draft project changes” toggle.
  • You can now see a summary tab in the Business Rules file which consolidates all of the metadata for all business rules.
  • Minor enhancements to naming, consistency, and usability across files.

Managed Data Export versions

Visier now supports versioned Data Exports. Admins can define a new Data Export and publish it to users as read-only or with edit access. Users who create their own Data Exports can share the Data Exports with other users. This enables admins and users to provide others with consistent, pre-built content for consumption or download.

OAuth 2.0

Visier now supports OAuth 2.0 authorization to allow users to access their Visier credentials in other applications; for example, Visier® Smart Compensation or Power BI Desktop. Administrators can add new client registrations to their Visier tenant to enable three-legged OAuth authorization.

Note: Limited Availability This feature is in limited availability. If you are interested, please contact your Partner Success Manager.

Simplified API access profile

We’ve updated the view level options for profile capabilities by removing the API view level. Existing API profiles will be migrated to either Simple or Detailed view level depending on the capability type.

Uploader file visibility

Users whose profile has the Data Upload additional capability can now view a list of their uploaded files in the Data Transfers room in the studio experience. View-only access lets Data Upload users confirm whether the files were processed successfully in Visier.

Visier Certified Developer rename

We’ve renamed the Visier Certified Developer profile to Analytic Model Developer. The capabilities associated with the profile are unchanged.

Data and Job Handling API

We added an optional dataCategoryId parameter to the Trigger extraction jobs endpoint. This allows you to specify the data category on which to run the extraction job.

Data Query API

We added the trailingPeriodType and trailingPeriodCount parameters to the QueryTimeIntervalsDTO. You can use trailing period parameters to evaluate metrics.

Direct Data Intake API

You can now use an API to send data directly to Visier data objects.

Note: Limited Availability This feature is in limited availability. If you are interested, please contact your Partner Success Manager.

Power BI plugin

Users with data access can now take advantage of Visier data in Power BI. Users familiar with Power BI can retrieve Visier data through a plugin for use in Power BI.

Note: Limited Availability This feature is in limited availability. If you are interested, please contact your Partner Success Manager.

Python connector

Users with data access can now use Python to get data out of Visier. Users familiar with Python can access the connector through Visier’s GitHub repository.

Note: Limited Availability This feature is in limited availability. If you are interested, please contact your Partner Success Manager.

Deprecation notices

Virtual Assistant

We’ve hidden the virtual assistant and the collection of interactive walkthroughs. The virtual assistant will be deprecated in the Fall 2023 release.

Visier People

This section covers the changes to the content of the Visier People solution.

Skills Insights

What’s new

Employee Inferred Skill Level

Use the new inferred skill level metrics to analyze the relative skill level employees have for a particular skill. Inference is based on a Stay, Perform, Progress, and Recency framework, which considers the following four components of an employee's history with a skill:

  • How long have they had the skill? (Stay)
  • Did they have good performance ratings while having the skill? (Perform)
  • Did they receive any promotions while having the skill? (Progress)
  • How recently were they in a role that required the skill? (Recency)

Using these individual component scores, you can infer the relative skill level employees have for a particular skill.

Guidebook content for Employee Inferred Skill Level

Check out Skill Level Analysis for a Particular Skill to explore skills-enabled people analytic insights and action. The analysis can be found in the Skills Insights topic in the Visier Skills Intelligence Engine guidebook.

Workplace Dynamics

What’s new

Calendar Metrics

Use the new calendar metrics to gain greater insight into how your team members are collaborating and the impact of meetings and focus time on productivity.

Time in wellbeing zone properties

We’ve added the following properties on the Collaboration Employee subject that calculate the time, in weeks, the employee has been in the specified wellbeing zone during the period:

  • Time in High Level Wellbeing in Period
  • Time in Low Level Wellbeing in Period
  • Time in Early Burnout in Period
  • Time in Late Burnout in Period

Wellbeing Zone Duration property rename

We’ve renamed the Wellbeing Zone Duration property to Wellbeing Zone Duration (Current) to indicate that it is calculating the time, in weeks, the employee has been in their current wellbeing zone. Current wellbeing zones are calculated as the last active wellbeing zone the employee was in during the period.


What's new

COVID-19 data end of support

We are no longer supporting COVID-19 data due to a lack of quality, up-to-date data from external sources. For a full list of the objects we will no longer support, see Deprecation notice: Blueprint Design Objects.

Exit In concept

We’ve added a new concept that filters whether the employee has an exit record within the specified time window. For this filter to work, the time window must occur after the selected time period of your visual.


What's new

Deep copy of a plan

You can now create a copy of a main plan and all of its subplans. This allows you to use existing plans as a template for your new plan project.

Local copy of a subplan

Create a copy of any subplan so you can easily keep track and edit the subplan once collaboration has ended.

Plan of record enhancements

To set the Plan of Record, users will need to be assigned the Plan Administrator analytic capability. The plan of record allows planners to set the default plan and plan scenario that is used across dynamic analyses for each plan model.

Rename complex plans

When you rename the main plan all associated subplans will inherit the new name.

Submit an alternate subplan

When working in a collaboration project, plan contributors can now submit an alternate scenario by copying data into the collaboration scenario that was assigned.

Talent Essentials

Bug fixes

102550 - Recent Employee description update

We’ve updated the short descriptions of the following Recent Employee metrics to indicate that recent employees are considered to be employees who were active within the selected period, including those who became inactive or exited before the end of the period:

  • Recent Employee Compa Ratio
  • Recent Employee Time Since Promotion
  • Recent Employee Predicted Risk of Resignation

Talent Expert

Whats new

External succession metrics

We’ve added the following new metrics that include both internal employees and people outside of the organization that have been identified as a successor. We’ve also updated the descriptions of the existing versions of these metrics to indicate that they include internal employees only:

  • Internal and External Successors
  • Internal and External Successors Percent of Total
  • Internal and External Time as Ready Successor

Visier Data Enrichment

What's new

Enhanced granularity for Visier Occupation

We’ve enhanced the granularity for the Visier Occupation levelled dimension to provide more detailed job titles. For example, instead of Chef you will now see the type of chef such as Banquet Chef.

Visier Benchmarks

Bug fixes

102551 - New hire benchmark description update

We’ve updated the short descriptions of the New Hire benchmark metrics to indicate that new hires are considered to be employees with a tenure of less than or equal to 1 year.

What's new

Visier Benchmarks Trends

  • New measured values for Visier Benchmarks Trends: We've added measured values for Q1 2023.

The current breakdown of Visier Benchmarks Trends:

  • Measured values from Q1 2018 to Q1 2023.
  • Extrapolated values from Q2 2023 Q1 2024.

Visier Benchmarks Reports

The current breakdown of Visier Benchmarks Reports:

  • Measured values from 2017 to 2022.
  • Extrapolated values for 2023 and 2024.

Summary of Visier Benchmarks dataset

The Visier Benchmarks dataset was last updated August 2023.

  • Benchmark values available: 251,504,340.
  • Employee records in dataset: 20,339,548.